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8615Household debt, automatic bill payments and inattention: Theory and evidenceIn this article we analyze the impact of automatic bill payment (ABP) on household debt. We present a theoretical intertemporal consumption model that shows an …3 de abril de 2023
Intellectual property in Latin America: the impact of innovation subsidies on Chilean firms
Intellectual property in Latin America: the impact of innovation subsidies on Chilean firmsRodrigo Fuentes Solís, Ariel Soto Carp, Mauricio Oyarzo, Carmen Veloso Ramos y Dusán Paredes Intellectual property is related to industrial property and copyright, and in …29 de diciembre de 2020
Evaluating Pest Management Strategies: A Robust Method and its Application to Strawberry Disease Management
Evaluating Pest Management Strategies: A Robust Method and its Application to Strawberry Disease ManagementAriel Soto Caro, Feng Wu, Zhengfei Guan Farmers use pesticides to reduce yield losses. The efficacies of pesticide treatments are often evaluated by analyzing the …5 de agosto de 2019
8163The Impact of Cooperation on Business Innovation in Developing Countries: Evidence from Chile in Latin AmericaRodrigo Fuentes Solís, Universidad de Talca. Chile. Ariel Soto Caro, Escuela de Administración y Negocios, Universidad de Concepción, Campus Chillán, Chillán. Chile Dusan Paredes, Departamento …3 de mayo de 2019
8157Impact of farm protectionism on the use of agricultural inputs in ChileAriel Soto-CaroUniversidad de Concepción, Escuela de Administración y Negocios. Vicente Méndez 595, Chillán Despite evidence highlighting the multiple benefits that liberalization can have in the …17 de enero de 2019
8165Innovation in small-scale aquaculture in ChileInnovation in small-scale aquaculture in Chile César Salazara, Marcela Jaimeb, Yanina Figueroac, and Rodrigo Fuentesd aDepartment of Economics and Finance and Applied Sectorial Economics Research …3 de mayo de 2018
8162Escala de Calidad de Vida Familiar: validación y análisis en población chilenaSOTO CARO, Ariel, Universidad de Concepción BELLO-ESCAMILLA, Natalia et al. Family Quality of Life Scale (FQLS): validation and analysis in a Chilean population. Univ. Psychol. [online]. 2017, …31 de marzo de 2017
8159Estimating biomass migration parameters by analyzing the spatial behavior of the fishing fleet.SALGADO, Hugo  and  SOTO, Ariel. Estimating biomass migration parameters by analyzing the spatial behavior of the fishing fleet. RAE [online]. 2016, vol.31, n.1, pp.37-58. ISSN 0718-8870. ABSTRACT: In this …3 de abril de 2016
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