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Estimating biomass migration parameters by analyzing the spatial behavior of the fishing fleet.

SALGADO, Hugo  and  SOTO, Ariel. Estimating biomass migration parameters by analyzing the spatial behavior of the fishing fleet. RAE [online]. 2016, vol.31, n.1, pp.37-58. ISSN 0718-8870.


In this study, a method will be developed and applied for estimating biological migration parameters of the biomass of a fishery resource by means of a decision analysis of the spatial behavior of the fleet. First, a model of discrete selection is estimated, together with patch capture function. This will allow estimating the biomass availability on each patch. In the second regression, values of biomass are used in order to estimate a model of biological migration between patches. This method is proven in the Chilean jack mackerel fishery. This will allow estimating statistically significant migration parameters, identifying migration patterns.

Tipo de Archivo: pdf
Categorías: Investigación
Etiquetas: Biological dispersion, fishing migration, industrial fishing, spatial bioeconomics model, stock distribution